
No Project Title Client Year
1 Contract No. 19_085_S Nutrition campaign and marketing of fish pasta and dried fish in Somaliland- Muna UN-FAO 2019-2020
2 Contract No. 19_084_S Nutrition campaign and marketing of fish pasta and dried fish in Puntland – Muna UN-FAO 2019-2020
3 Contract Goods Supply and Delivery of Non-Pershable Foodstuff (Somalia Police Force) WORLD BANK 2019-2021
4 Contract No. 19_050 Youth Entrepreneurs Marketing Training in Mogadishu, Somalia UN-FAO 2019
5 Contract of Supply Solar System and Installation UN-FAO 2019
6 Provision ICT Equipment UNOPS 2018
7 Supply of ICT Equipment and Air conditioners RFQ-ICT-Hop-2018-003 UNDP 2018
8 Provision ICT Equipment Ref: @MOCA-2018-05 UNDP 2018
9 Providing of various IT equipment & equipping new studio to Minister of information of the federal government Somalia UNDP 2017
10 Providing of inland transportation and Supply of UN-WFP 2017
11 Food retailer program in Beletweyne & Mogadishu UN-WFP 2018-2020
12 Supply of Consumable Tools& IT/Plumbing Material UNOPS 2016
13 Road Transportation from Jowhar to Mogadishu 40 round trip UN-WFP 2012